Approved for 1 Credit hour toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute. Please be sure to note the program ID number on your re-certification application form. For more information about certification or re-certification, visit the HR Certification Institute website at www.hrci.com. The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.

Approved for 1 SHRM Professional Development Credit. For more information about certification or re-certification, visit www.shrmcertification.org.
SHRM 2020 Session
In Deb’s NEW installment in her national Background Screening educational series, she hits the most misunderstood and litigious topics still troubling employers today. Are you violating the FCRA? How about State or Federal laws? And how do you know? Deb will cover all aspects of Ban the Box, the EEOC ‘not so new’ Guidance and how it plays into the hiring process, negligent hiring, class action lawsuits, NEW applicant authorization forms (an extremely hot area of litigation against employers), the Adverse Action process (with new state requirements!), how your screening firm may put you in harm’s way and more. It’s a must-attend session for all HR professionals who are responsible for talent management, recruiting, hiring, risk & compliance practices and all HR stakeholders.
Meet the speaker:
Deb Keller is a national authority on background screening, regulatory compliance, the FCRA, the use of criminal records in the employment process and the EEOC ‘New’ Guidance of 2012.
She’s a frequent speaker at National and State SHRM conferences across the country and this session was chosen for SHRM 2020 before cancellation due to the pandemic. She has formerly spoken at the 2016 NATIONAL SHRM Conference, 2017 SHRM Talent Management Conference, 2017 WA Employment Law Conference, 2018 National ASA Staffing World Conference as well as numerous industry conferences and has also been a background screening instructor at the Coca-Cola Institute in Chicago.
She has been quoted in multiple publications and books including SHRM Magazine and the 2020 Complete Guide to Human Resources & the Law.
Deb holds the PBSA Advanced Certification credential, which designates an advanced expertise in the FCRA & background screening.
If you would like to contact Deb, please email her at deb.keller@tiscreening.com or call 812-480-8792.