
Do you have a desire to share your expertise and engage a community of followers? Get recognized for your ideas and contributions beyond your normal spheres of influence? Enhance your reputation in your field? Become a Thought Leader!

Thought leadership leads to exposure for both you and your ideas. Thought leaders have the power to persuade, the ability to move things in a new direction, and the wherewithal to implement real progress and widespread innovation. Having a broader stage gives you the opportunity to raise your profile from the local to the national stage. It gives you access to people who can help you make things happen – leaders in your organization or community, innovators in your profession or industry, researchers in government or academic circles. And, perhaps most importantly, Thought Leadership can, for many, answer deeper questions – what is the meaning in my work, what will I leave behind? As a thought leader, you will leave a lasting legacy – transformed teams, systems, communities, or industries.

The Philly SHRM Thought Leadership Program was designed to create an outlet for human resource related content that is of value to HR practitioners as well as the business and education communities in the Philadelphia area. The Philadelphia SHRM chapter is comprised of over 1,400 members representing over 500 of the Philadelphia region’s finest companies. Ranging from students just entering the profession to the most senior human resource executives, the Chapter is committed to developing our people and our profession. Our reach is extensive!

We are currently seeking written contributions—articles, blogs, interviews, Q&A—that enhance PSHRM’s position on key human resource topics. You write and the Thought Leadership Committee does the rest–providing resources for editing, legal review, and relationship management with target publishers. To get started or request more information, email the Philly SHRM Thought Leadership Committee at thoughtleader@phillyshrm.org.


Get Involved

For more information about volunteering with Thought Leadership, please email: thoughtleader@phillyshrm.org

