Approved for 2.25 HR (General) Credit hours toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute. Please be sure to note the program ID number on your recertification application form. For more information about certification or re-certification, visit the HR Certification Institute website at www.hrci.com. The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.

Approved for 2.25 SHRM Professional Development Credits. Philly SHRM is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. For more information about certification or re-certification, visit www.shrmcertification.org.
Professional Development
Hey Superwoman, take off your cape. Hey Batman, take off your mask. Hey managers, put away your ego. In this session, attendees will be asked to think about the way they communicate with each other by considering this concept: authentic leadership is about using your experiences, your shortcomings, and lessons learned to make yourself appear human to your co-workers. In doing this, we create more genuine relationships that boost morale and trust. During this period of ambiguity and uncertainty leaders emerge, but not the ones who are trying to be perfect, no, it’s the ones who recognize the power of authenticity and relatability that will inspire others right now.
Click HERE for a message from James!
Meet the speaker:
James Robilotta is an author, professional speaker, personal coach, and trained improv comedian. After nearly 15 years of building, training, supervising, and evaluating teams, James followed an entrepreneurial dream and built two successful businesses. The first is an organization that incorporates freestyle rapping and beatboxing into improv comedy (but that’s a success story for another day). And the second is his speaking and coaching business (which is a success story for today).
James has been speaking professionally to willing and unwilling audiences for years and has found that quality humor — not your lame, laugh-track, dad-joke humor — is the secret to hosting powerful conversations that make a genuine impact. His attendees leave feeling recharged, introspective, and ready to get out of their own way.
James’ cornerstone concept is that we as humans can’t learn from people who are perfect, we can only learn from people who are imperfect. This thread of insight led him to building businesses that focuses on authentic leadership. Companies like American Express and General Electric (GE) have gravitated toward this message and found the insights to be invaluable in shifting the way their teams communicate.
With years of research (and a few too many real-life case studies within his work), James learned everything he could about authenticity in the workplace and published his first book, Leading Imperfectly: The value of being authentic for leaders, professionals, and human beings. The concepts in this book and in James’ speeches and workshops are the driving forces behind conversations about communication, rapport building, engagement, feedback, retention, promoting memorability, life balance, increased productivity, and more.
Simply put, James is working to bring humanity back into the workplace. Everybody has a story and he’s on a mission to ensure that in their personal life and in their work life, every human realizes that they are enough.
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