Approved for 1 HR (General) Credit hour toward PHR, SPHR and GPHR recertification through the HR Certification Institute. Please be sure to note the program ID number on your recertification application form. For more information about certification or re-certification, visit the HR Certification Institute website at www.hrci.com. The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.

Approved for 1 SHRM Professional Development Credit. Philly SHRM is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional Development Credits (PDCs) for SHRM-CP or SHRM-SCP. For more information about certification or re-certification, visit www.shrmcertification.org.
Philly SHRM Partnered Thought Leadership Event with HealthEquity
Overview and Learning Objective
Health Savings Accounts and HSA-qualified health plans have grown exponentially in the last several years and most experts agree that the rate of growth will continue to increase under health reform. The number of client questions about these tax[1]advantaged accounts will almost certainly increase as well. This course is designed to provide agents with the information they need. The highlight of the presentation will be the examples we will run through to make sure attendees understand the eligibility and contribution rules as well as the frequently and not-so-frequently asked questions about account based health plans HSAs, HRAs & FSAs.