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Educational Webcast
Organizational change is challenging HR leaders to better balance organizational needs with employee and customer needs. With more HR practices being delivered digitally, HR leaders are being met with more opportunities to work higher level people practices to positively influence culture and performance. Developing both functional HR skills and business acumen keeps HR leaders leaning into staying aligned with other functional colleagues and scaling their impact beyond pure HR work. Self-awareness is key to navigating this intersection of talent and transformation.
Self-awareness is simply slowing yourself down to speed yourself up. This webinar does exactly that, in two sections. Section One introduces the definition and four core pillars of The Self-Aware Leader (SAL). Learners will then learn more about why and how self-awareness fuels reinvention of self, others, and the business. Section Two takes the SAL model and applies it to four primary areas that HR leaders are driving: (a) inclusive change, (b) integrated data sets, (c) organizational design moments, and (d) talent acceleration. This focus aligns people practices with prioritized business levers.
The design of this learning introduces practical content, validated models, and relevant tools from the book, The Self-Aware Leader. Dan Gallagher, Founder + CEO of Gallagher Leadership as well as former President of Philly SHRM, will leverage his experience delivering SAL products and HR programs to challenge learners with their mindset and their practices. Dan will also be the lead facilitator for all aspects of the Philly SHRM LIFT LAB experience this coming Fall. Other presenters in this webinar will include thought leaders being targeted as faculty for the full development experience.
About our Speaker:
Dan Gallagher, Founder + CEO
Dan Gallagher, Founder + CEO of Gallagher Leadership, helps leaders navigate the intersection of talent and transformation based on his research and experiences detailed in his book, The Self-Aware Leader: A Proven Model for Reinventing Yourself (ATD, 2012). Dan consults, coaches, and develops leaders to generate new learning and momentum for teams and businesses. The Self-Aware Leader model is a proven tool organizations utilize to positively influence business outcomes and leadership productivity.